Sunday, July 5, 2015

Introduction: Jetlag Productions' The Hunchback of Notre Dame

"The version children love"
Jetlag Productions' The Hunchback of Notre Dame was released in 1996, the same year as the popular Disney adaptation. Like the Dingo Pictures film, which I reviewed earlier, this was meant to trick unsuspecting consumers into believing that they were purchasing that version as apposed to this cheap knockoff.

The company that produced this was an American and Japanese animation studio. The films, always direct to video, were made for the American market, but animated in Japan. As a result, the animation is fairly comparable to Japanese Anime, in the sense that the animation is extremely poor and choppy.

After dominating VHS bargain bins, it was eventually put onto DVD in several forms. You could buy it individually, for a penny on Amazon these days, or in a compilation with other Jetlag films, also for a penny.

Next: The Plot

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