Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Plot: Jetlag Productions' The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The film opens with a musical number, which claims that if "your clothes were all wrong" and your "voice was too loud" then "you know Quasimodo and how he must feel."

After this, narration explains that on Quasimodo Sunday, a young woman abandoned her child in the cathedral of Notre Dame. Claude Frollo, a "young priest", adopts the child, despite it being "horribly misshapen."

Years later, Frollo had become the archdeacon of Notre Dame. He hired Quasimodo to be the ringer of the church bells. While this profession renders Quasimodo deaf, he seems to enjoy it enough.

This particular day is the celebration of the festival of fools. While a play is being preformed at the palace of justice, the people's attention is drawn instead to Quasimodo, who is ringing the bells and climbing the church architecture madly. The author of the play, Pierre Gringoire, is disheartened to see his work fail.

A donkey, for whatever reason
The people then decide to elect a pope of fools, a competition to find the ugliest man in town. Several worthy competitors participate, including a donkey, but the winner is ultimately Quasimodo.

During the night, all eyes are on Esmeralda, a gypsy girl who dances before a roaring bonfire. After she finishes her dance, she begins to collect money. she goes to Gringoire, but he's completely broke. He then goes to Frollo, who briskly walks away from her.

Quasimodo appears, paraded as the pope of fools. Frollo puts a stop to this, crying "Sacrilege!" and "Profanation!" Quasimodo tackles Frollo, but upon recognizing him his kneels. Frollo orders him to follow.

Th attempted kidnapping
After this, Gringoire tries to stalk Esmeralda through the streets, when, out of the shadows, comes Frollo and Quasimodo the two of them try to kidnap her, but are stopped by Captain Phoebus and his men. Only Quasimodo is arrested. Esmeralda, to show her gratitude, kisses Phoebus and runs off.

Gringoire is pinned down by vagabonds, who bring him to the Duke of Egypt. He's forced to preform several bizarre
tasks, and is offered to the local women. Gringoire is rejected for being to "poor" and "thin" and "young." Esmeralda ultimately chooses to marry him, but the marriage remains platonic. She is in love with Phoebus.

Quasimodo is being punished in the stocks the next day. The crowd jeers at his misery, calling Quasimodo a "stupid oaf." Esmeralda pities him with a drink of water. After Quasimodo is freed, Esmeralda begins to dance. Fleur de Lys, the Fiance of Captatin Phoebus, watches her with her betrothed. Esmeralda tells them that she has a secret. The secret is that she had taught her goat how to spell Phoebus' name. Fleur de Lys wishes to see her, but Phoebus shuts the idea down. Esmeralda walks away, disappointed.

Gringoire, after the failure of his play, becomes a juggler, much to Frollo's dismay. Frollo himself feels "possessed by (Esmeralda)" Seeing Esmeralda wander the street, he begins to follow her. She is on her way to meet Phoebus at the docks. Frollo stabs Phoebus, and Esmeralda begs to be murdered herself. Esmeralda is blamed for the murder. She is condemned to die.

"'Thank you Larry," at least that's what it sounds like
During the morning of the execution, Esmeralda is brought to the noose. Quasimodo, who had been observing, jumps halfway down the church, shouts "sanctuary" and then jumps down to the pavement, scooping Esmeralda up, and bringing her into the safety of the cathedral. Frollo informs the guards
that Esmeralda is safe from the law when inside.

Quasimodo informs Esmeralda that if she leaves Notre Dame, she will die, and then he just walks away.

Then another song begins to play, which shows all of the main cast, except Frollo, dancing with Esmeralda. The omnipotent singer ponders whether Esmeralda is "real or only in my mind."

The next morning, Esmeralda opens her door and says "good morning." This sentiment is repeated by Frollo, who then tries to grope and force himself on her. Frollo eventually chooses to stop, saying that no one will have her. Esmeralda tries to tell Quasimodo, but he refuses to listen, wanting to keep his kind vision of his master.

Again, "the version that children love."
Gringoire is still trying to make money by juggling. Frollo tells him that Esmeralda is going to be hanged soon. He tells Gringoire to saccrafice himself for her, but he refuses. Frollo devises another plan, to have Gringoire and his friends from the court of miracles to rescue Esmeralda themselves. Gringoire agrees.

Quasimodo brings Esmeralda dinner. He tries to hide from her, but she makes him reveal himself. For whatever reason, Esmeralda is in love with Quasimodo, and knows that he'll protect her from Frollo.

The vagrants enter the church during the night and bring Esmeralda out. Quasimodo tries to stop them, but the Duke of Egypt stops the hunchback from doing so.

Frollo brings the soldiers attention to the group. The vagabonds fight the soldiers, and Phoebus, leading the charge, grabs Esmeralda. Esmeralda wonders how she could have ever loved him, to which he replies with a simple declaration. "I'm irresistible, that's why."
"I'm irresistible, that's why!"

Esmeralda frees herself, and encounters Frollo. He tells her that the only way to live is to follow him. After debating whether or not she should trust an attempted murderer and rapist, she decides to anyway.

Quasimodo utters a battle cry and jumps from the height of the church to the ground below. Phoebus tries to stop Quasimodo, only to be tossed aside. Frollo tells Esmeralda to love him or die. Because she refuses, Frollo pulls out a knife, but, before he can do anything, Quasimodo stops him. Quasimodo throws Frollo off of the bridge, shouting that he's an "impostor!"

Dodging thousands of arrows fired by the advancing cavalry, Quasimodo and Esmeralda run off together. They're never seen again, though rumor spreads of the happy couple being seen out in the countryside.

Next: Characters

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