The story begins in the Court of Miracles, where the outcasts of Paris are celebrating a festival. Claude Frollo, the archdeacon (In the original version at least), watches in despair as the beautiful Gypsy Esmeralda dances.
Just then Quasimodo, the hunchbacked bell ringer, is being paraded as the Pope of Fools. Frollo puts a stop to this, viewing it as "profanation," and despite resistance from the crowd the two of them leave. Frollo discusses his plan to abduct Esmeralda, and forces an ever obedient Quasimodo to join him. He has obsessed over Esmeralda for some time, and has fallen from his priestly virtues.
As night falls, and Esmeralda passes by, the plan is put into action. The plan is unsuccessful however, when Quasimodo is arrested by several soldiers, including the dashing Captain Phoebus. Phoebus and Esmeralda strike each other's fancy, and, as a gift, Phoebus gives her his scarf.
The next day, for his attempted kidnapping, Quasimodo is being punished on the pillory in the town square. The unsympathetic crowd responds to his cries of "Water" by telling the hunchback to "Be accursed!". Quasimodo is eventually pitied by of all people, Esmeralda, who offers him a drink despite the malice of the public.
After this, Phoebus is being prepared for his marriage to the elegant Fleur de Lys, but he has his heart set on the gypsy, which brings distress to Fleur and the entire nobility. Esmeralda is invited to dance, showing off her new scarf, horrifying Fleur de Lys. The scarf had been her gift to Phoebus, and seeing it in someone else's possession makes her feel betrayed. She end the others turn against Phoebus.
Later, outside of a tavern, Phoebus brags to his men about Esmeralda. They are going to be together that night, a thought which enrages the jealous Frollo. Frollo warns Phoebus about Esmeralda, but his words fall on deaf ears.
Esmeralda is ecstatic to see Phoebus, and the two lovers converse. From a hidden area, Frollo leaps out and stabs the captain with a dagger.
Esmeralda is convicted of the crime and arrested. In her cell, Frollo arrives, confessing to her his obsession. He offers her freedom in exchange for Esmeralda being his lover. Esmeralda rejects the hateful priest, vowing that it will be better in heaven with Phoebus than on eartch with Frollo.
Quasimodo rings the bells of Notre Dame. He admits that he loves everything around him, the bells, the cathedral, but he regards himself as "Uncouth, ill made."
The public gathers around the town gibbet to watch Esmeralda's execution. From the heights of the church descends Quasimodo. Who rescues Esmeralda, crying "Sanctuary!" over and over. The people rejoice, but Frollo protests, stating that "Notre Dame can save none but Christians!" Quasimodo holds his ground.
Phoebus returns on his horse, proving that Esmeralda is innocent and Frollo is guilty. Phoebus' words save Esmeralda, though, from his wounds, he dies in her arms. Esmeralda dies also, but of a broken heart. Frollo, arrested, cries out "Fatalité!" a word repeated by the people.
Next: A review of the plot
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