Thursday, June 11, 2015

Conclusion: Dingo Pictures Hunchback of NotreDame

I think we can all take solace in the fact that it's all up from here. This is the worst, the absolute worst, that I'll be covering. Unless there's some new menace that arrives, I feel certain that that'll remain accurate.

I've heard people say that this version can be enjoyed ironically. "It's so bad it's good," they claim.

They're right...kind of.

The production values are so poor, the animation is so bad, that it's funny, hilarious even. 

To a point.

To spend 52 minutes of your life engrossed in something so terrible is not. 

The joke gets stale, and when that happens, all you are left with is trash, and that's boring.

After the initial shock, you're no longer laughing, just uninterested.

It goes without saying, Dingo Pictures earns their infamy. Their other works, which I watched for as long as I could stomach them, are  on the same level of "quality."

I'd recommend it for a laugh, but only under the condition that your mileage will vary.

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